Is there some kind of callback I can set that will trigger after login? I want to set certain cookies and make certain database calls after a successful login. Where/how would I do this logic?
Thanks in advance!
Sure. The best place to do this is in the file usersc/scripts/custom_login_script.php
You should be able to do whatever you want in there and our updates won't break anything.
Awesome, that was exactly what I'm looking for!
Have I missed the complete documentation somewhere? I see the Documentation link on the website, but it just has little tidbits of info, and it claims "This page is intended to be a supplement to existing forms of documentation". Where are "the existing forms of documentation"?
Unfortunately the documentation is out of date and incomplete. Userspice moved forward so fast that it quickly outpaced all its documentation. I'm pretty sure all the class pages haven't needed updates, so only the implementation pages are old.
If you have any questions on anything just ask away, many of us check in almost daily and can answer any questions you have or problems you've run into.
While the lack of docs is frustrating, I wanted to say that on this forum, I've received some of the quickest responses to questions of any open source project I've worked with. If you don't mind the questions, I'll keep asking them. :-) Thanks for all your help!