08-20-2017, 02:45 AM
So I just have started using / looking at UserSpice, and found that installing it on localhost with home directories turned on makes it so that there is at least one space where the code looks in the wrong directory:
In the file users/init.php on line 22 it normally says:
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/helpers/helpers.php';
For me however this turned into /var/www/html/usersc/includes/custom_functions.php instead of being:
/home/<user name>/public_html/spice/usersc/includes/custom_functions.php
In the file users/init.php on line 22 it normally says:
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/helpers/helpers.php';
For me however this turned into /var/www/html/usersc/includes/custom_functions.php instead of being:
/home/<user name>/public_html/spice/usersc/includes/custom_functions.php