I have a pretty crazy stretch going at work so I'll do some updates after you guys push your code. Thanks for all you're doing.
No worries, I just wanted to work on the latest code we had ready but I don't think anything I'll add is related to anything you guys added recently.
My code was all pushed to a branch.
I saw that, I'm currently trying to teach myself how to pull it from GitHub. Progress!
Check out my branch and tell me I did it right! If I didn't, I'll try again after crying myself to sleep tonight.
I merged both branches in but didn't delete them just in case I didn't do it right!
Let me know if we need to rollback.
Ok. Sounds great! Thanks gentlemen. My week has kind of blown up, so I appreciate this a ton.
What did you do to the SQL file?
It's forked when doing the group_menus SQL you added, but I can't tell why...
How do we feel on the security of the Vericode system? I think it needs to be a bit more secure tbh...I don't know how you all want to go about it, but a 6 digit code that is generated seems to not be secure enough for me.