Sorry. I missed that. Yep. Totally agree there.
Ok. I'm in agreement on the bans too. I had done it as a descrete function and in securePage but I think securePage is a bad idea.
haha deal. And before we go beta/release, I think it would be good to do a skype call and make sure we're all on the same page.
You want a logger that someone attempted to login with a bad ip?
Yeah that would be great.
That someone tried, and when an IP gets banned, and then the loggers on the admin page of course.
Right. Sounds good. I'm also working on a few things for the tomfoolery stuff to figure out who was the last person to login from that email address and maybe banning ips straight from the logs.
Btw - Discord has a voice channel feature, so we can use that!
Just sent you and @Karsen the link to Discord. Will make a post once I get us all in it.
Sweet. It didn't let people call me Dan, so I'm mudmin