Hello everyone, I just wanted to comment on the difficulty of applying the examples found in UserSpice videos in Youtube to version 4.4
I noticed that the existing documentation does not refer to version 4.4, so I have difficulties to use the excellent tool.
Can someaone to help me ?
Yeah. UserSpice developed very quickly for about 18 months so documentation would get out of date almost as soon as it happened. I think we're a little more stable now (HOPEFULLY there will be an update tomorrow, btw. HOPEFULLY.).
Either way, let me know what you're having issues with and we'll get you fixed up.
Thanks for your quickly response, and I really like of UserSpice Project and I need put other pages under my project and I created the 'app' folder and put somepages under this folder, but I canĀ“t execute my pages under thart folder. I need insert mypages in table "pages"? Where are the "alt_dev_path" in US 4.4 ? Can you see my difficulties? Help me, please.
Would you like to translate the UserSpice to Portuguese (my native language)? I'm live in Brazil and Portugal, and we have a lot PHP developers in both countries.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, I put this and my page appear now, but doesn't works (HTTP ERROR 500
). I need be logged to it works? Which minimum requireds I need put in my page to it works under US ?
I need to confirm which version you are using.
Can you check users/includes/user_spice_ver.php and tell me what it says?
This is the version:
Ok. Perfect. If you have an error 500 it is one of a few things.
1. USUALLY it's a misconfigured .htaccess file in your root. If you have one, rename it temporarily to htaccess.bak and see if it goes away.
2. It could be that something is goofed on your line 2 of the us_url_root file. Can you paste your line two? Make sure you use straight quotes and not curly quotes.
3. Let me know what kind of server/localhost you're on and I can see if there is anything else to check.
Sorry, I don't have a .htaccess in my root folder.
I did it in users/includes folder. There I have a .htaccess