12-28-2015, 03:31 PM
Hello! I like to report another issue. The forget password functionailty was not generating the correct encryption in the database. I could not log in after I was sent a new password. I looked in forget-password.php and you had commented out the PASSWORD_BCRYPT one. So I uncommented that and seems to be working now. Like this:
Please advise.
Also it looks like there is a function that logs the user's forgot password requests. Doesn't seem to be logging.
Should that be 1 instead of 0?
Thank you!
//$secure_pass = generateHash($rand_pass); //Generate random hash
$secure_pass = password_hash($rand_pass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost' => 12));
Please advise.
Also it looks like there is a function that logs the user's forgot password requests. Doesn't seem to be logging.
Should that be 1 instead of 0?
Thank you!