07-14-2017, 11:30 PM
Hey, I wanted to create a topic about this forum but since you already started one...
I hate this forum.
How about switching to something like phpBB or whatever
I hate this forum.
- No recent topics display
- No sorting by recent post/unanswered/since last visit
- No topic title on the top when you enter topic page
- No breadcrumbs on the top
- No search options
- No input preview
- No multi-line code, long code goes off the screen
- Confusing tags: "i" gives "em", "b" gives "strong", "code" is grave accent
- Reply button doesn't insert quote with author and link in the edit box
- Formatting styles don't fit each other, blockqoute is large, list has a different font
- Edit button vanishes
- Last page (4) in the "Documentation" vanishes, displays "No topics were found here!"
- My topic vanished
- There was also another topic you couldn't access but it still showed up in recent replies
How about switching to something like phpBB or whatever