Hey, thank you so much for all your dedication!
But if upload all the installation files to my server it puts out a 500 Error. (Internal Server Error)
php 5.6 is installed on a namecheap shared hosting server. Any idea? Do I need to fix the permissions?
Thank you
What if you try to access a simple php page that just echos some text? <?php echo "hello world"; ?> or something similar...just make sure the page is named as a .php.
That should eliminate some php processing issues. Does it happen when trying a particular function or does it occur for any page you visit?
In my experience 500 errors on userspice are almost always attributed to a problem with your .htaccess file. Rename it to .htaccessbak or something like that and see if everything comes alive.
Hey thank you for your help.
But even if I delete the .htaccess I will get the same error. I get no errors in the error log file.
Could it be a security script that is blocking the install progress?
It could be...or it could be that there is an .htaccess file or something like that in a folder that is above (root) the one you're instlalling it to.
Do you have another server or localhost that you can try installing to just for testing purposes?
yes isntalled it localy and on different hosters. it worked everywhere. but it does not work on namecheap. support does not help. they are talking about permissions but I changed them back and forth..
Yeah. I'm 99{3bc1fe685386cc4c3ab89a3f76566d8931e181ad17f08aed9ad73b30bf28114d} sure it's not a permission error but that they've set something as uneditable in a root .htaccess or php.ini and it's freaking userspice out. That is the downside of a shared server...you don't have control over your software. Namecheap is one of the few that I guess isn't playing well with UserSpice. We've worked really hard to try it on every host we could. I feel like they should be able to tell you what caused the 500 error. It is basically their server saying it saw something it didn't like. They should have logs.
i had a similar issue on godaddy subdomain and had to add a few lines in htaccess, they have a weird setup for subdomains, but the main thing i have had issues with was paths so its worth experimenting and do a little googling for others with similar issues on namescheap as it might well be the way they setup the shared server. ive always loved siteground and they even have letsencrypt ssl with auto install and renew ??
Are you still having path issues on your server?
Btw, dreamhost offers let's encrypt also if you're having issues with your current host.
Ok funny story:
Yesterday I contacted namecheap support again. I told them again that I could not install your wonderful software and I am not sure why. She told me again the permissions are wrong. I told her again she is free to change the permissions in that folder (subdomain), and I had already tried that and this seems not to be the problem.
But this time she wrote a cron job script which changed every permission of every file and every folder on the entire server. I've got 9 domains up & running at Namecheap and after her briliant script every domain showed a plain and simple 403. Even the ones backed up by cloudflare.
This is what she wrote:
21:51 Olga B***: The issue with the permissions is fixed.
21:51 Olga B***: Howeverm there is another error now.
21:51 Olga B***: I continue investigating.
The Problem: this was also the last sentence she wrote and she stopped responding.
After a fruitless chat with another "operator" I demanded to chat with her supervisor. After 1,5h unnecessary Downtime I talked to her supervisor. And he actually managed to clean up some of the mess.
After my Domains were up again (2h Downtime) parts of your UserSpice were working, too! Hurray!
I called it a day and we moved the project to another hoster.
Thank you so much for your software and for trying to help me!