Thoughts on making the fetchMessageUsers function only for active users (permissions==1 in users db)?
My main reason for this is what is the point of emailing a banned user. So we have two options:
-Remove them from the user lists in this function
-Make msg_notification = 0 when permission = 0, vice versa if unblocking the user (or we can not do this part)
Let me know
I think we shouldn't be able to message a banned user, but removing from the list view or deleting messages from banned users should be an option each UserSpice developer can choose for themselves. In my case, when an employee leaves the company they are banned but we may still need access to their messages. For others with open registration, they may wish to remove banned user messages in the case of spammers, etc.
Agreed. I have to keep all my former staff in my management system because their ids are tied to other data.
My thought was just not allowing messages to them. These messages would still be viewable from the admin_messages.php page I am building and in the other users inbox, but the admin can go in and mark these deleted if they wish.
Oh, then I definitely agree with you. I'd still give the developer the option to turn viewing them on or off though, depending on their needs.
Yep. Do either of you want to work that up? I think we can knock out a bunch of these little things and push a beta by the end of the month. I haven't been pushing it since everyone's been coming up with good stuff.
Yeah I'll do this tonight
That's great! Thank you. We can stick the admin_messages wherever because I'm probably going to make a tabbed interface or something along those lines.