So I use stripe in a lot of my other projects, adding it properly to userspice would involve putting composer back in and having more dependencies. Is that something we want or should I offer it as some sort of addon?
That would be more of a front-end feature that many (most?) UserSpice devs won't need. You could add it as a feature if you like but I think we wouldn't be wrong to omit it.
That's what I'm thinking. And the code sort of stands alone, so it could be added to anything 4.2 or higher at will. I think I'll go the addon route.
Addon is pretty easy. Do you think we should remove those fields from the db. Not for upgraders, but new installs?
If it's an addon yes we should...
And we can add an option during upgrades to run queries to drop those from the db
I've seen some users say they've also added Stripe so removing them might cause issues for those devs. Might be best to just omit it for future users.
Yes I get that - but that is why I was thinking if we run an updater script in the future, give an option of "Do you want to remove the stripe columns from your database?" which defaults to 0 or No, but has the option for Yes, and on submit, it runs the entire updater, and depends on this value to remove these columns or not.