Is there a reason that the blank page code from users folder doesnt work in the scripts folder under usersc folder?
Im tring to add the header and footer to the error pages.
I don't quite understand your question...
Take banned.php for example. If i would add the
require_once 'users/init.php';
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/header.php';
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/navigation.php';
to it it will fail on line of the first require
which means i cant add the header or the footer to a page like that or say token_error. Unless i just did a redirect to the base Usersc folder with the blank page template and what ever i want inside.
What i am looking at is making it cohesive like a 404 error in wordpress doesnt take you out of the theam.