09-01-2016, 04:42 PM
I was getting ready to write a function to check if the current user had a given permission level and I came across this function on line 419 of us_helpers.php:
Does this "old school" mean I shouldn't be using it?
Is there an explanation anywhere about the whole permissions system without going through the video as it is coded? I want to treat "permissions" as the concept of groups from linux, but i'm not sure if I'm OK going that route or not...
//Does user have permission
//This is the old school UserSpice Permission System
function checkPermission($permission) {
Does this "old school" mean I shouldn't be using it?
Is there an explanation anywhere about the whole permissions system without going through the video as it is coded? I want to treat "permissions" as the concept of groups from linux, but i'm not sure if I'm OK going that route or not...