09-11-2016, 06:45 AM
Good night (from Mexico 3:45 AM), I am excited to find this page, I have four days looking for a simple and safe system users.
I have a couple of things to say, I read almost all the questions and answers forum for hours, apparently I can speak directly and "mudmin" Do not feel bad for hawkish comments haha.
When you create a product you have to think who will be your customers, what kind of users will be directed and what their needs are, then:
1. Users who reach this page, is very likely to be inexperienced users who are looking to save time or simply are creating something like this and want to know if it exists. Among many others…
2. An average user who is looking for a system in php and especially to manage users, is almost certain to be a person who is fluent in HTML and CSS.
3. If you reached this page because you do not have the capacity or time to write your own system, the first thing we do novice users is to download the code, see if we can understand and if so, we started playing ... what otherwise, delete it and download another.
Exactly seven days ago I was talking with my father the future of our family business and its organization, we have 5 branches which on average are 1 hour away from the main (where we live), is very uncomfortable every day after finishing our day, we need to talk to each branch to know how much was sold and how much was spent, then it occurred to me to do an online system in which each branch to make your cut and upload the information to the system and I can read it from my phone while traveling to our home. Something very simple ... Sunday start to develop code and design, spend three days with virtually no sleep and I have almost 80{3bc1fe685386cc4c3ab89a3f76566d8931e181ad17f08aed9ad73b30bf28114d} of the code ready, but before finishing wanted to know if he was sure, so ask "StackOverflow" and I received about 10 very hard answers on safety, correct all those mistakes would take one more week, so I gave myself the task of finding something done, in the end all he wanted is a secure access system (not even needed the registration and I would give users and password to each store manager), after secure, just needed input 2 input, a text box and a button to send the information (sales, expenses and comments).
I found many frameworks, but all other codes, to download them I realized that depended on other frameworks or requesting installed using "composer" or things that I really long for what I needed.
It is clear ... that this project was the first step of something very big that I have in mind, for personal use, but great for us (my father and me), the final idea was to change our system sales and inventory for something online ...
1. Sort folders:
--files php (users)
--Empty, here we put our own records we get from core to modify.
--For example our account.php
Thus when copying a file from the "core" to "custom" folder not break the URL of the styles (in header) or classes, it is very important to clean unnecessary files of styles (no need blank.css) because not simply put the files that come by default with "bootstrap" I think it's enough to style anything.
2. I can not use the password: <h> <e> <l> <l> <o>
3. Being able to choose the home page in the configuration.
4. Remove the registry the "company" field or not be necessary (require).
5. Clean the tables in the database, reserve rows in a real project do not need no such row names are used.
6. Okay tracking users but it better not put a field in the configuration for the Google Analytics code?
7. In the navigation links, remove that "hover" color "black".
8. Allow change profile picture.
9. Because I can ban the administrator? Entering as admin.
10. There are two links to "home" and two links to "user".
11. It is more understandable the menu as when you do not sign, all in a straight line without expanding buttons, when you are admin a link next to "home" to say, administration panel opens.
12. The link to "recover password" on the menu is more, when we are in "login.php" is displayed below the form and think it's more understandable. (I do not remember seeing any page with a link on the main menu for this option) is a little strange to find there.
13. It would be nice to create a section within the forum in which to put the points on which you are working (you can go marking green that is ready) to know when will the next version or have an idea, now I want to start my project using this code, but I prefer to wait for the next patch as I found many things wrong (already commented other users, that comment is just a personal opinion, as an end user).
14. Do not take much importance to put as many files of styles, fonts, icons, favicons, etc. We seek how difficult (php), how easy it is our job (styles, buttons, fonts, which look nice haha).
15. Remember ... If you put 2 links to possibly do the same to me or any other inexperienced user to take us one hour remove the duplicate link, after removing security will think if we remove or something bad stay ... because not do everything as simple as possible? It is better than us we add things, instead of erasing ...
I would like to translate all the code and documentation in Spanish. I can help with this without any problems.
Thank you very much for your time, thank you very much for this code, this project has me with an eye on, awake and entered to see if this list the new version, I will be very present in this forum, I hope not to bother or annoy someone else I'm very direct and I like to say what I think, I'm sure this will be something very BIG WITHIN THE COMMUNITY.
Good night (from Mexico 3:45 AM), I am excited to find this page, I have four days looking for a simple and safe system users.
I have a couple of things to say, I read almost all the questions and answers forum for hours, apparently I can speak directly and "mudmin" Do not feel bad for hawkish comments haha.
When you create a product you have to think who will be your customers, what kind of users will be directed and what their needs are, then:
1. Users who reach this page, is very likely to be inexperienced users who are looking to save time or simply are creating something like this and want to know if it exists. Among many others…
2. An average user who is looking for a system in php and especially to manage users, is almost certain to be a person who is fluent in HTML and CSS.
3. If you reached this page because you do not have the capacity or time to write your own system, the first thing we do novice users is to download the code, see if we can understand and if so, we started playing ... what otherwise, delete it and download another.
Exactly seven days ago I was talking with my father the future of our family business and its organization, we have 5 branches which on average are 1 hour away from the main (where we live), is very uncomfortable every day after finishing our day, we need to talk to each branch to know how much was sold and how much was spent, then it occurred to me to do an online system in which each branch to make your cut and upload the information to the system and I can read it from my phone while traveling to our home. Something very simple ... Sunday start to develop code and design, spend three days with virtually no sleep and I have almost 80{3bc1fe685386cc4c3ab89a3f76566d8931e181ad17f08aed9ad73b30bf28114d} of the code ready, but before finishing wanted to know if he was sure, so ask "StackOverflow" and I received about 10 very hard answers on safety, correct all those mistakes would take one more week, so I gave myself the task of finding something done, in the end all he wanted is a secure access system (not even needed the registration and I would give users and password to each store manager), after secure, just needed input 2 input, a text box and a button to send the information (sales, expenses and comments).
I found many frameworks, but all other codes, to download them I realized that depended on other frameworks or requesting installed using "composer" or things that I really long for what I needed.
It is clear ... that this project was the first step of something very big that I have in mind, for personal use, but great for us (my father and me), the final idea was to change our system sales and inventory for something online ...
1. Sort folders:
--files php (users)
--Empty, here we put our own records we get from core to modify.
--For example our account.php
Thus when copying a file from the "core" to "custom" folder not break the URL of the styles (in header) or classes, it is very important to clean unnecessary files of styles (no need blank.css) because not simply put the files that come by default with "bootstrap" I think it's enough to style anything.
2. I can not use the password: <h> <e> <l> <l> <o>
3. Being able to choose the home page in the configuration.
4. Remove the registry the "company" field or not be necessary (require).
5. Clean the tables in the database, reserve rows in a real project do not need no such row names are used.
6. Okay tracking users but it better not put a field in the configuration for the Google Analytics code?
7. In the navigation links, remove that "hover" color "black".
8. Allow change profile picture.
9. Because I can ban the administrator? Entering as admin.
10. There are two links to "home" and two links to "user".
11. It is more understandable the menu as when you do not sign, all in a straight line without expanding buttons, when you are admin a link next to "home" to say, administration panel opens.
12. The link to "recover password" on the menu is more, when we are in "login.php" is displayed below the form and think it's more understandable. (I do not remember seeing any page with a link on the main menu for this option) is a little strange to find there.
13. It would be nice to create a section within the forum in which to put the points on which you are working (you can go marking green that is ready) to know when will the next version or have an idea, now I want to start my project using this code, but I prefer to wait for the next patch as I found many things wrong (already commented other users, that comment is just a personal opinion, as an end user).
14. Do not take much importance to put as many files of styles, fonts, icons, favicons, etc. We seek how difficult (php), how easy it is our job (styles, buttons, fonts, which look nice haha).
15. Remember ... If you put 2 links to possibly do the same to me or any other inexperienced user to take us one hour remove the duplicate link, after removing security will think if we remove or something bad stay ... because not do everything as simple as possible? It is better than us we add things, instead of erasing ...
I would like to translate all the code and documentation in Spanish. I can help with this without any problems.
Thank you very much for your time, thank you very much for this code, this project has me with an eye on, awake and entered to see if this list the new version, I will be very present in this forum, I hope not to bother or annoy someone else I'm very direct and I like to say what I think, I'm sure this will be something very BIG WITHIN THE COMMUNITY.