First off I would like to say I love userspice and thank you for all of your hard work! Next, I was using 4.3 and building a test form and thought it might be nice to have a "duplicate" button, so if I am creating 2 forms that are similar I don't have to start from scratch. I would also love to see an "edit form name" button in case I decide to change the name later on or make a spelling error.
Those are both great ideas. Would you mind submitting those to so they make it to my to do list?
I created a form from manage form page. When I display it there's a button created already. I read your documentation and tried to customize the button but unfortunately it doesn't work? It there's a way just create custom button instead of inserting a script. I'm new in php? Im sorry.
What is missing?
$token = Token::generate();
$options = ['token'=>$token];
$options = array(
'submit'=>'Next Page',
'class'=>'btn btn-success',
'value'=>'This is the submit button',
Disregard I know what is missing. I got it.
displayForm('sample', $options);
I need to make that clearer. Thanks for letting me know. Btw, I just posted some advanced documentation for things that are coming out on Monday to make form processing more powerful.