I scanned through the code. Can you give me a little bit better idea what it does? What's your use case? Just curious. It looks well written, I'm just wondering what you're doing with it.
It provides for storing a record of user/admin actions. Whenever there is a database write (eg updateDisplayName() in admin_user.php), we can write an audit record.
Use case, I see it as core functionality for any web app.
That's really cool! I like it.
I'm going to be building little plugin modules for people having the ability to add/remove features like that. I have to think through how to do it a little bit. I want to add features like that but want to keep them out of the way for people who choose not to use them.
Cool; I'm going to push on with it for notifications in the top-nav.
When I log in as admin, I'd like to see the number of failed logins.
It clearly needs some tweaking - event codes to look up against for example.
I REALLY like that idea....now I get what you're doing. That could be really handy as the default page for a super admin or something like that. Please keep me posted on your progress with that. I also emailed you with the latest 3.1 code. Thanks so much for your help.
No worries, will do.
And graphs, .... lots of graphs!!
You saw all the sample graphs in the sample pages folder, right?