09-08-2016, 10:39 AM
Hi! You can post all the elements for INSERT, SELECT, EDIT(UPDETING), DELETE and COUNT funcs? separete from the all the script. userspace from userusercake is diferent built, and I cant not undesturd
I will like to cont tiket (1) readand not (0) read.
WHERE st_ne_citit = 0 ");
while ($stmt->fetch()){
$row[$page] = array('st_ne_citit' => $st_ne_citit);
if (isset($row)){
return ($row);
I will like to cont tiket (1) readand not (0) read.
function counthelptiket()
global $mysqli,$db_table_prefix;
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$db_table_prefix."help_tiket
WHERE st_ne_citit = 0 ");
while ($stmt->fetch()){
$row[$page] = array('st_ne_citit' => $st_ne_citit);
if (isset($row)){
return ($row);