I should have worded that differently, sorry. I am not working with search terms but with checkboxes.
My search page looks like this (some fictional choices):
[] Projects
[] Volunteers
[] Small animals
[] Large animals
[] Animal habitat
[] Environment
[] Habitat
[] Something
[] Children
[] Elderly
[] Disabled
[] Homeless
See here:
Now, what I need is when someone checks the Volunteers box (and therefore selecting only users that have indicated that they are a volunteer and not a project...which in the database is set as 1 or 0) and also checks some other boxes (which are simply given the same name in the database), that the results only give me volunteers that have indicated the corresponding interests in their profile.
So checking the volunteer, habitat, elderly and disabled box will give me a result of volunteers that have set habitat, elderly and disabled as their interests in their profile.
If someone check the boxes project, small animals, environment....it only shows users that are set as a project with
the corresponding subjects (small animals and environment).
If someone checks the projects, volunteers, large animals and elderly boxes it will show all the volunteers and projects that have those subjects in their profile.
Does that make sense?