I'm not sure what you mean because UserSpice already has functions
, and
. See
It's not called
ADD but INSERT and it doesn't have a WHERE clause. See
SQL tutorial.
With this patch you can already use nested triads for
. For example:
$db->delete("Products", ["or", ["Stock","<=",0], ["Legal","=",false]]);
I've noticed that the query is still being run even if the argument was incorrect.
This is also the case with the original DB.php. For example:
is going to clear the table. To fix it I've added an error flag. Lines 86-91, 98, 159, 186 in
my paste.
Passing empty array is now prohibited (line 195).
Statement UPDATE uses WHERE clause so I might as well implement triads. Lines 239-253 in
my paste. Now you can do this:
$db->update("Suppliers", ["Country","=","Greece"], ["Currency"=>"GRD"]);