I just installed 4.3 and cannot change the admin password. or add new users.
if change password "If this continues to happen, please contact the administrator."
if add users it flashes and goes back to the same screen. (all filled and checked.)
Did you enter your email address twice and the password 3 times?
Are you locked out?
No not locked out and Yes.
Just checking...where are you trying to change the password? Are you doing it on user_settings.php or admin_user.php?
I'm wondering on the create new user part if you're trying to send an email when your email settings aren't configured.
And cannot get any other page
I got in I deleted admin user and re-added a new user wit same password and could change it OK.
Found if force_pr is 1 and get user_settings.php?err=You+must+change+your+password! as a admin you can not change password
Does not look like 4.3 is read for prime time....
PS I a new user and find my way around I like it and will report what I find as all ready seen lots of bugs, will send a list when I can with fixes.
force_pr is set to 1 for the default admin account on fresh installs to ensure the security of your UserSpice installation. We don't want users to forget to change this password. Once you change the password by putting the new and confirmed password, hitting submit should update it and reset force_pr to 0.
My guess is that you somehow mistyped the password twice. That's just a guess.
On the other hand, you're absolutely right that I wouldn't consider 4.3 100{3bc1fe685386cc4c3ab89a3f76566d8931e181ad17f08aed9ad73b30bf28114d} baked. I'm "dogfooding it" by using it on my real, live commercial programs and it's working well, but I'm definitely seeing things that need to get better.
Please feel free to keep posting bugs and we'll keep squashing them.
Thanks for your time.