Hello again, in my user_settings.php I have three additional fields, which are phone number, address and company. I can not add the verification or the success or error message. I already have the form ready and I have the three respective tables for those fields but I do not manage to record this data in my db, I had this resolved in 4.2 but in 4.3.4 it is hitting me hard in the head. maybe you can help me
You may want to take the ucfirst( off of your variable, that is used for fname and lname to ensure they are cased properly. Instead just have $address = Input::get("address");
I didn't write the code for this portion and I'm unable to work on it at this time. I'll see what I can come up with for you over the next few days unless someone else does in the meantime.
In the same way, thank you very much.
I'm having a hard time understanding where you're stuck? Can you let me know and then paste your entire file to pastebin and share the link here?
Ohh. I can fix this tomorrow. I will take care of it.
Thank you very much mudmin!