generateAddForm (function)

Last updated: Mon, Apr 17, 2023 9:58 am
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Generates an HTML form for adding a new record to a specified database table.




# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $table string Yes which is the name of the database table for which the form needs to be generated
2 $skip = [] array No optional array of fields to skip (i.e., fields that should not be included in the form)


Data Type Description of Returned Data

Further Documentation:

The function generates an HTML form with input fields for each field in the specified table, except for any fields listed in the $skip array.

Here is the documentation for the generateAddForm() function:

* Generates an HTML form for adding a new record to a specified database table.
* @param string $table The name of the database table for which the form needs to be generated.
* @param array $skip An optional array of fields to skip (i.e., fields that should not be included in the form).
* @return bool Returns true when the form is generated.
function generateAddForm($table, $skip = [])
// ...

And here is an example usage of the generateAddForm() function:

// Assume the table name is "users" and we want to skip the "password" and "created_at" fields
$table = "users";
$skip = ["password", "created_at"];

// Call the function to generate the form
generateAddForm($table, $skip);

In this example, the generateAddForm() function is called with the table name "users" and an array of fields to skip. The function generates an HTML form with input fields for each field in the "users" table, except for the "password" and "created_at" fields. The generated HTML code can be inserted into an existing web page or echoed directly to the browser. Note that the function does not actually submit the form or insert data into the database - that functionality needs to be implemented separately.