mqtt (function)

Last updated: Fri, May 19, 2023 1:17 pm
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Used to publish a message to an MQTT broker. - Deprecated in favor of the MQTT plugin which re-includes this function.



Version Information

Deprecated v5.5.8


# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $id integer Yes The ID of the MQTT server as defined in the mqtt table of the Userspice database.
2 $topic string Yes The topic to publish the message to.
3 $message string Yes The message to publish.


Data Type Description of Returned Data

Further Documentation:

Example usage:

$id = 1; // The ID of the MQTT server in the database
$topic = 'test/topic';
$message = 'Hello, World!';

mqtt($id, $topic, $message);

This will publish the message "Hello, World!" to the MQTT broker defined in the mqtt table of the Userspice database with the ID of 1, using the topic test/topic.