time2str (function)

Last updated: Fri, May 26, 2023 10:35 am
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The time2str function in UserSpice is used to convert a timestamp to a human-readable time string representing the elapsed time since the provided timestamp.




# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $ts string Yes The timestamp to convert.


Data Type Description of Returned Data
string Returns a human-readable time string or null if the timestamp is empty or null.

Further Documentation:

// Convert a timestamp to a human-readable time string
$timestamp = '2022-01-01 12:00:00';

$timeString = time2str($timestamp);

echo $timeString; // Output: '7 months ago'

In the example above, the time2str function is used to convert a given timestamp ($timestamp) to a human-readable time string representing the elapsed time since that timestamp. The resulting time string is then stored in the $timeString variable and displayed. The function handles both elapsed time in the past and future by adjusting the formatting accordingly.

Please note that the exact output of the time2str function depends on the specific timestamp and the current time. The provided example demonstrates how to use the function, but the output may vary based on the actual timestamp used.