ipReason (function)

Last updated: Mon, Apr 17, 2023 10:55 am
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Used to display the reason for an IP ban or whitelist.




# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $reason integer Yes value representing the reason code


Data Type Description of Returned Data
string Returns a corresponding string representation of the reason.

Further Documentation:

The ipReason function in UserSpice is used to display the reason for an IP ban or whitelist. It takes a single parameter $reason, which is an integer value representing the reason code. The function then checks the value of the $reason parameter and outputs a corresponding string representation of the reason.

Here's an example usage of the ipReason function:

// Assume that the $ban_reason variable is retrieved from a database query or other source.
$ban_reason = 1;

// Output the reason for the ban using the ipReason function.
echo 'Ban Reason: ';
// This will output "Ban Reason: Invalid Attempts"