fetchProfilePicture (function)

Last updated: Mon, Apr 17, 2023 9:39 am
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Retrieve the profile picture of a user with the given user ID.




# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $userid integer Yes the ID of the user for which the profile picture needs to be fetched


Data Type Description of Returned Data
string Returns a string representing the URL of the user's profile picture.

Further Documentation:

The fetchProfilePicture() function is a part of the UserSpice PHP framework, and it is used to retrieve the profile picture of a user with the given user ID. The function takes a single parameter, which is the ID of the user for which the profile picture needs to be fetched. It returns the URL of the profile picture.

Here is an example usage of the fetchProfilePicture() function:

// Assume the user ID is 1
$user_id = 1;

// Call the function to fetch the profile picture for the user
$profile_picture_url = fetchProfilePicture($user_id);

// Display the profile picture in an HTML tag
echo "Profile Picture";

This code will fetch the profile picture of the user with the ID 1 and display it in an HTML tag. If the user has not set a custom profile picture, the function will retrieve a Gravatar image based on the user's email address.

Note that to use this function, you need to have the UserSpice framework installed and set up properly, and the DB class and query() method referenced in the function should be defined elsewhere in your code. The get_gravatar() function referenced in this function is also a part of the UserSpice framework and should be defined elsewhere in your code.