Retrieves all the files in a folder with a given file extension.
Data Type
specifies the folder to retrieve the files from
$extension =
string, array
specifies the file extension to filter the files by
$extension = "php"
Data Type
Description of Returned Data
The function returns an associative array with three keys:
"files" - An array of strings representing the file names that match the specified file extension(s).
"direct" - An array of strings representing the absolute file paths that match the specified file extension(s).
"links" - An array of strings representing the relative file paths (URLs) that match the specified file extension(s).
Further Documentation:
The fetchFolderFiles() function is a custom function in the UserSpice PHP application that retrieves all the files in a folder with a given file extension. Here's how the function works:
$folder - This is a required parameter that specifies the folder to retrieve the files from.
$extension = "php" - This is an optional parameter that specifies the file extension to filter the files by. It defaults to "php" if no value is provided. This parameter can be a string or an array of strings.
global $abs_us_root,$us_url_root; - This line makes the global variables $abs_us_root and $us_url_root available within the function.
if(!is_array($extension)){ $extension = (array)$extension; } - This line checks whether the $extension parameter is an array, and converts it to an array if it is not.
$files = []; $links = []; $direct = []; - These lines initialize three arrays to store the file names, links, and absolute paths.
if(substr($folder,-1) != "/"){ $folder = $folder . "/"; } - This line ensures that the folder path ends with a forward slash /.
$linkpath = $us_url_root . $folder; $basepath = $abs_us_root . $linkpath; - These lines define the URL and absolute paths to the folder.
if(is_dir($basepath)) { ... } - This line checks if the folder exists and is a directory.
$scan_arr = scandir($basepath); $files_arr = array_diff($scan_arr, array('.','..') ); - These lines use the scandir() function to retrieve all the files and directories in the folder, and then removes the . and .. directories from the array.
foreach ($files_arr as $file) { ... } - This loop iterates over each file in the folder.
$file_path = $basepath.$file; $file_ext = pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); - These lines define the absolute path of the file and then extract its extension using the pathinfo() function.
if (in_array($file_ext,$extension)) { ... } - This line checks if the file extension matches the $extension parameter.
$files[] = $file; $links[] = $linkpath . $file; $direct[] = $basepath . $file; - These lines add the file name, link, and absolute path to their respective arrays.
$response = ["files"=>$files,"direct"=>$direct,"links"=>$links]; return $response; - This line creates an associative array containing the file names, links, and absolute paths, and then returns the array.
Here's an example of how you might use this function in a PHP script:
// Get all PHP files in the "includes" folder $folder = "includes"; $extension = "php"; $files = fetchFolderFiles($folder, $extension);
// Print out the file names
foreach ($files["files"] as $file) {
echo "{$file}\n";
Assuming that the fetchFolderFiles() function is defined in a file that has been included in the script, this code retrieves all the PHP files in the includes folder and prints out their names. The resulting output would be a list of all the PHP files in the includes folder.