updatePermissionName (function)

Last updated: Fri, May 26, 2023 10:24 am
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The updatePermissionName function in UserSpice is used to update the name of a permission in the database.




# Parameter Data Type Required Description
1 $id integer Yes The ID of the permission to update.
2 $name string Yes The new name for the permission.


updatePermissionName($id, $name)

Further Documentation:

This should only be done through the User Interface.

// Update the name of a permission with ID 1 to "New Permission Name"
$permissionId = 1;
$newName = "New Permission Name";

updatePermissionName($permissionId, $newName);

echo "Permission name updated successfully.";

In the example above, the updatePermissionName function is called to update the name of a permission with ID 1 to "New Permission Name". The function takes the permission ID and the new name as parameters and performs the necessary database update operation. After the update is complete, a success message is displayed to indicate that the permission name has been updated.