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1) If I make changes to init.php, should I copy init.php to userc/ or can init.php be edited without causing problems with future updates?
2) If I make changes to the existing classes, is there a recommended way of doing that to avoid problems during future upgrades?
I am wondering how to add more options to the profiles. Like down below the users username, they is the users full name twice, well the second full name I want to change it to PSN name/Gamertag, but the user can edit that, but I also want the admin to be able to edit it as well.
and down below I want to add to new options like position | Crew, but i just want the admin to be able to edit this.
Is there a way to exclude certain users from the results shown on the view_all_users page?
I've looked over the site using various search terms but nothing seems to address the issue.
I need this for two reasons:
First, although GDPR requires a 'Forget Me' option, if a financial transaction is made there is a separate requirement to keep a record for 10 years (I think), so straight deletion is not an option.
Second, for similar reasons, it would be useful for active members of a society to be able to withhold their names from such a public directory (even one that is restricted to other members).
I'm reasonably sure I can create a column in the users table that could contain a 0, 1 or 2 code, but its the retrieval query in the view_all_users page that I'm stumped by.
I've found these lines:
$userQ = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN profiles ON users.id = user_id ");
// group active, inactive, on naughty step
$users = $userQ->results();
Only a tiny fraction of people who download UserSpice create an account and a tiny percentage of those who do, actually post in the forums. I like to think that this is because the documentation, walkthroughs, and forums are so good that people immediately get an answer to their questions and have no reason to post!
Well, we'd love for you to at least say hi and maybe tell a little bit about how you came across UserSpice and what you were hoping to do with it.
Dear developer of UserSpice and community members,
As I'm working on a small startup for business school, UserSpice seems to do an excellent job for us. I would like to get in touch with other starters to talk about the problems they face and how they build their website, so if you are one or know one don't doubt to get in touch!
Whenever our startup is going to make money I will look for the possibilties to donate from our company to keep the good work possible.
Also, I did a graphic studies, so if anyone needs help or advice with their graphics let me know!
I have been working on creating a more advanced form builder then the one currently available in UserSpice. My main goal is to make to create forms that are more dynamic. For example to have dropdowns where it pulls all its data from a database table or a subset of that table. Another goal was to have so by passing an id to a page it would load a different form. Currently I don't have a page for actually building the form as I am still trying to get the database structure ironed out. This includes storing the data submitted by the form and pulling it back out. I was curious whether anyone else had tried to implement something like this or come across something similar. Attached is an image of a portion of the form that I have been using to create the database and class infrastructure.
I'm trying to use the update function with the forms with the following code. I get the data in the form fine but when I go to save it I get a new row in the table and the original remains the same. Any ideas what I have done wrong?
require_once 'init.php';
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/header.php';
require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/navigation.php';
$response = preProcessForm();
if($response['form_valid'] == true){
//do something here after the form has been validated
$response = postProcessForm($response);
<?php if (!securePage($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){die();} ?>
<div id="page-wrapper">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
$usFormUpdate = 6; //The row you want to update
$options['update'] = $usFormUpdate;
//then call your form with
</div> <!-- /.col -->
</div> <!-- /.row -->
</div> <!-- /.container -->
</div> <!-- /.wrapper -->
<!-- footers -->
<?php require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/page_footer.php'; // the final html footer copyright row + the external js calls ?>
<!-- Place any per-page javascript here -->
<?php require_once $abs_us_root.$us_url_root.'users/includes/html_footer.php'; // currently just the closing /body and /html ?>
I want ot add a new item to the navigation bar (using db based navigation), that navigates to a particular page, unless the user is already on that page, in which case it should just run some javascript function.
I guess the link could call a function that parses the page URL and decides based on that - but neiter I'm sure how to do htis, nor do I know if there's a better / more idiomatic solution.
Sorry if this is a dumb beginners question, looks like I am
So far i am super impressed with this user spice, its light and not a ram hog, like word press or the others I've had ran into. I'm in the process of building my hosting business and I wanted something easy to work with. Though I do love how the forum you got here set up wouldn't mind using that as well and I've used mybb for many years, even for my gaming site as I like their permissions better than using phpbb which don't have the permissions needed for gaming purposes unless you wish to add a mod here and a mod there.
Anyway, good luck on your agendas here. I hope to see this place become popular like the others.